Monday, July 20, 2009

Red Guides You to Reflect On Your Perfect Life

Perfection reflection
It is only when we take the time to look over our lives that we can truly see how some things came to be. Through reflection, most of us will find that we have a lot to be thankful for, and we will begin to understand how perfect our life really is. Try looking in these eight places first:

1. You. You should always be #1 on your list. The mere fact that you have survived this long is a testament to your own personal perfection. Life is fragile and uncertain, so every day that you are here - be grateful!

2. Your health. Okay, you may not be in perfect condition by scientific standards, but if you are getting through the days, you are doing something right - and creating the opportunity for improvement. How perfect is that?

3. Love. Whether or not you have someone special is secondary to the fact that you are a loving person, a person capable of giving and receiving love. Even during times of heartbreak, being able to feel so deeply is a gift. It may not always be pleasant, but you can't have great pain without knowing great joy. Be happy that you can feel, and be grateful that you can share those feelings… even if it's just with a friend right now.

4. Family. Family isn't limited to the humans that share our DNA. The closest of friends and most of our spoiled pets are family, too. Rejoice in the memories made with all the members of your family, and look forward to those who are yet to come!

5. Friends. People often overlook how many friends they really have, and don't always fully appreciate the friends they do include in the tally. Remember - the discounted and the underappreciated will still stick around, because you are who you are. That speaks volumes. In some way, shape, or form these people see perfection within you.

6. Loss. Most people think that a loss of any kind is an injustice, but often people and things are removed from our lives in order to teach us how to embrace something else. Cherish the perfection of every moment with that which brings you joy, because everything changes... eventually.

7. Life. Marvel at how a world of such chaos can keep evolving. The flow of the changing seasons, the warmth of the sun, the chill of the wind. Humans and nature always seem to be at odds, and yet somehow we continue to evolve and survive. While the coexistence may not be everyone's ideal, it doesn't make it any less perfect.

8. Memories. Memories, both good and bad, should be cherished. Our ability to pull joy, strength, or understanding from an event that happened long ago is simply amazing. So be amazed! And realize that every memory, no matter how it makes us feel, is perfect. Because all of our memories have led us to this place - today - which is (you guessed it) perfect!

So instead of spending our energy focusing on what we don't have, or where we want to be, or what bad things happened to us up until this point, let's just exist in the perfection of right now. Realize that each one of us is perfect, as are our lives. "Perfect" isn't synonymous with "easy" - it is just the ability to understand what is there, to see beyond what is not, and to be grateful for the opportunity and experience of right now!

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I am currently trying a new way of eating (forget about that nasty "D" word!). I am following the "Schwarzbein Principle" and learning ways to focus on creativity and taking care of ME. I am currently in Body Blissmas, a program started by Jill Badonsky. As I learn to focus on healthy eating and being happy and creative, I would like to help you do the same.

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