Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Copy & Paste into your browser - 10 Ways to Treat Yourslef

http://www.ivillage.com/me-time-10-ways-treat-yourself-and-boost-your-mood/4-b-440662?nlcid=wh|08-28-2012| do little things that make you happy We often worry that it's selfish to want to be happier, but that couldn’t be farther from the truth, according to Gretchen Rubin, author of The Happiness Project. Sometimes a little “me time” is just what you need to unwind when you’re feeling overwhelmed and stressed. “When we feel happy ourselves, we have the emotional wherewithal to turn outwards. Taking the time to boost your spirits and your energy will help you contribute to the happiness of others,” Rubin says. Make a list of all the things that make you happy or write down what you're grateful for. The little reminders of what is going right in your life will help you let go of those things that aren’t. Read More http://www.ivillage.com/me-time-10-ways-treat-yourself-and-boost-your-mood/4-b-440662#ixzz24rfkGwef Sign up for iVillage Special Offers

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Do You Trust Yourself Enough?

Do You Trust Yourself Enough?: I took a personality test, "Do You Trust Yourself Enough?", and I got "Take Ten". Take the quiz at Oprah.com!

My Result:
Take Ten

Your Inner Voice is In There "Somewhere"

"Somewhere in there, among the worries, questions, advice and advertising jingles, lives your intuition, your true 'inner voice.' You can hear it to the extent that you give it your attention." — Martha Beck

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Is There Enough Gratitude in Your Life?

Is There Enough Gratitude in Your Life?: I took a personality test, "Is There Enough Gratitude in Your Life?", and I got "You Are Grateful for What You Have". Take the quiz at Oprah.com!

Friday, August 17, 2012

15 Ways to Keep weight After hitting Your Goal

http://www.ivillage.com/15-ways-keep-weight-after-hitting-your-goal/4-b-461801?nlcid=td|08-17-2012| Copy and post the link in your browser. I have been taking ThermoRaz and have lost 15 lbs. This has not been easy, what with a wedding that lasted from morning to night and family parties, etc. But I have stayed busy (the ThermoRaz came in handy for this), and I have been cutting my portions, sometimes in half. The thing that is helping me continue to eat more healthy is keeping desserts in the freezer. I eat less knowing that I have a little treat for later IF I WANT ONE. I have Frozen Kefir and Skinny Cow ice cream sandwiches. Some of the treats are NOT low calorie so I try to be happy with just a couple bites. No one says we have to have an entire serving to feel satisfied, right? The main thing is eating healthy: whole grains, fruit and lots of veggies, which can be a lot of fun when you fix them right. Like a homemade taco salad with black beans, black olives, ground beef and cheese on lettuce, topped with my husband's homemade salsa. Yummy! So, enjoy the food you do eat and watch the portions AND give yourself a little treat when you get the urge. You might be surprised to see that it actually works!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

The Optimal Menopause Diet

The Optimal Menopause Diet Adding the right foods to your diet as you approach menopause can actually reduce or prevent menopause symptoms. And the earlier you make these dietary changes, the easier menopause may be. By Marie Suszynski Medically reviewed by Lindsey Marcellin, MD, MPH Some menopause symptoms are just bothersome, such as hot flashes and dry skin. Other changes related to menopause can lead to long-term women’s health problems, from bone loss to high cholesterol. Controlling Menopause Symptoms Following the optimal menopause diet can help to reduce or even prevent menopause symptoms and protect you from illnesses, such as osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease. There are some foundation foods that are great for women’s health and can help with menopause symptoms like dry skin, bloating, weight gain, hot flashes, and bone loss, says Lisa V. Bunce, RD, a member of the American Dietetic Association and owner of Back to Basics Nutrition Consulting in Redding, Conn. The earlier you make sure these foods are staples in your menopause diet, the easier menopause and the years beyond may be. Related: Menopause and the Soy Question Water. Vaginal dryness and dry skin caused by a decrease in estrogen during menopause are common complaints among women at this time, but getting eight glasses of water a day can help maintain your skin’s moisture and offset dryness, Bunce says. Drinking water also helps decrease the bloating that occurs with hormonal changes, she adds. This kind of symptom is most common in the years just before periods end for good, often referred to as perimenopause. Calcium. Your calcium needs increase during menopause because the loss of estrogen can speed up bone loss, Bunce says. If you’re not taking estrogen replacement, aim to get at least 1,500 milligrams of calcium a day. If you do take hormone replacement therapy, aim for 1,000 milligrams a day, she says. Because that’s difficult for most women to achieve that through diet alone, consider a combination of calcium-rich foods in your diet, like milk and nonfat yogurt, and calcium supplements. Vitamin D. Getting enough vitamin D is also critical for protecting your bones during menopause. Vitamin D comes from the sun, but many experts say it’s vital for women’s health to take a vitamin D supplement to ensure you’re getting enough, especially in winter and in non-sunny climates. Although the official recommended daily dose is only 400 international units for most people, Bunce says that many doctors recommend getting 1,000 to 2,000 international units of vitamin D a day. Talk to your doctor about the right amount for you. Fruits and vegetables. Your metabolism slows down as you get older, and women in their mid-forties tend to become more sedentary. This all adds up to weight gain, one of the most dreaded menopause symptoms. By filling up on low-calorie fruits and vegetables, you can help minimize weight gain while getting the nutrients you need to stay healthy. Whole grains. Some whole grains, such as steel-cut oatmeal, quinoa, barley, and brown rice, provide B vitamins — which help boost energy, manage stress, and keep the digestive system functioning, Bunce says. Folic acid and fiber, also found in whole grains, help lower risk for cardiovascular disease, which rises after menopause. Iron. Your iron needs actually go down during menopausal years, Bunce says, so focusing on eating lean cuts of beef, eggs, iron-rich cereals, and grains should put enough in your diet. Iron supplements (and that includes multivitamins with iron) are generally not recommended for women after menopause unless your doctor prescribes them. Related: Choosing an Alternative Menopause Treatment Soy. Some experts recommend soy for relief of hot flashes, but the research is inconclusive, Bunce says. Soy compounds, called isoflavones, mimic estrogen in the body. Studies of the benefits of soy for women in menopause focus on women in Asia, who get their soy from food, Bunce says. If you want to try soy, eat edamame, tofu, and other soy foods as much as possible instead of processed foods like soy burgers. “Any time you can add plant-based foods to your diet, it’s a benefit,” she says. Flaxseed. Flaxseed is a wonderful plant-based food with omega-3 fatty acids. Try sprinkling ground flaxseed on cereal, yogurt, and salads; it adds fiber to your diet, keeps your arteries healthy, and has some estrogen-like compounds, Bunce says. Low-calorie foods in general. The plain truth is that your calorie needs decline with every decade of life. The less weight you gain during menopause, the better your menopause symptoms in general, so it’s worth adopting a diet of low fat, healthy foods that will help you maintain your weight. What to avoid. Steer clear of alcohol, sugar, caffeine, and spicy foods, which can trigger hot flashes, aggravate urinary incontinence (another common problem during the menopause years), increase mood swings, and increase bone loss, Bunce says. Among Bunce’s clients, the women who handle menopause symptoms the best are the ones who approach this time as a natural progression of their lives and roll with the punches, rather than seeing it as a struggle, she says. “Many women have spent their entire lives taking care of others,” she says. “This is the perfect opportunity to look in the mirror and say to yourself, ‘I need to take care of myself now so I can have the quality of life I’m looking for.’”

Thursday, August 9, 2012

I'm a Smiler! That may sound good, but it has drawbacks.

Cucumbers have nothing on your cool facade—even when you're hurt or stressed, your smile doesn't waver. But people-pleasing can be a dead end: Your opponent doesn't know what you truly want, and you're mad at yourself for saying one thing when you mean another. Rules of Engagement: Stating what you really think may feel abrasive at first, but it grows easier with time. If you're flustered by a request, resist a knee-jerk assent. Instead, use a set answer—"Let me check my calendar first"—so you can respond after giving it some thought. If you feel pressured to bow to someone's opinion, an empathetic statement ("I understand where you're coming from") can placate an opponent without compromising your stance. This exercise was created by Debbie Mandel, author of Addicted to Stress: A Woman's 7-Step Program to Reclaim Joy and Spontaneity in Life (Jossey-Bass). See what your conflict style is, and post a comment here. Peace, Sherrie Read more: http://www.oprah.com/relationships/Whats-Your-Conflict-Style-Quiz-Dealing-with-Conflict/13#ixzz234nYDDh3

Welcome to Weight Loss Coach Sherrie's Blog!

I am currently trying a new way of eating (forget about that nasty "D" word!). I am following the "Schwarzbein Principle" and learning ways to focus on creativity and taking care of ME. I am currently in Body Blissmas, a program started by Jill Badonsky. As I learn to focus on healthy eating and being happy and creative, I would like to help you do the same.

Are you currently trying to lose weight?
