Friday, September 21, 2012

The "Eat What You Want" Diet, by Sherrie Miranda (yes, by me - for a change)

I finally found the diet that works FOR ME! The thing is I have a sweet tooth and most of the diets I have tried required me to give up sweets and anything else that I love. I started thinking about the fact that when I visit my family, I lose weight. AND I EAT DESSERTS every night! So, how could this be? Well, my family doesn't really eat very healthy. So, I don't eat as much as I normally would at home. I normally buy and eat mostly health foods so I am very cognizant of the food I eat. I don't even want most unhealthy food. It no longer tastes good to me. So, I eat breakfast when I am visiting, usually something healthy, but sometimes it is a donut if someone brought them home. Then I skip lunch and have maybe a peach or mango or some other fruit. For dinner, I eat like a small child, always knowing in the back of my mind that I am having dessert in the evening. So that is what I am doing now at home. I eat my breakfast of whole grain cereal with blueberries and milk, coffee a little later, and a snack, usually fruit. Then I eat about half what I normally would eat for dinner. It is easy because I know I will have dessert later, either after dinner or later before I go to bed. I usually buy Skinny Cow ice cream, but even if it isn't low calorie, I am still eating less and losing a lb. or two a week, sometimes more. I love this diet. AND I am calling it a diet, not because I am doing it to lose weight but because it is the way I plan to eat for the rest of my life. It is my long life diet, at least for the rest of my life. So, don't do it the Atkins way or the South Beach way. DO IT YOUR WAY!! That's the only way that is going to work FOR YOU! Best of luck to you. And do let me know how it is going!

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Welcome to Weight Loss Coach Sherrie's Blog!

I am currently trying a new way of eating (forget about that nasty "D" word!). I am following the "Schwarzbein Principle" and learning ways to focus on creativity and taking care of ME. I am currently in Body Blissmas, a program started by Jill Badonsky. As I learn to focus on healthy eating and being happy and creative, I would like to help you do the same.

Are you currently trying to lose weight?
