Saturday, February 28, 2009

The Pursuit of Happines

The Pursuit of Happiness
3 simple steps to be content
by S.K. Smith

It seems like everywhere you turn these days, someone is discussing the idea of happiness. Gurus - spiritual and otherwise - promise to help you achieve it. Books outline strategies for finding and maintaining it. Surveys seek to answer who is happiest, where they live and what they do for a living.

The Secret proposes that you simply have to think positively and positivity will follow. And yet, with all these methods for determining/ensuring your own well-being - specifically, a happy state of mind - floating out there in the greater consciousness, few of us describe ourselves as being genuinely happy. Why is this?

The good news is
It's not because some of these theories/methods/strategies aren't effective or don't work. They can! It's just that happiness is defined individually and there are many individual paths taken to get to it. Their lack of effectiveness can simply be attributed to our inability to escape rational thought. That's right - logic (the very thing we spend time trying to cultivate in order to solve our problems) can get in the way of contentment - no matter how you define it or seek to achieve it.

Of course this doesn't mean you should abandon all reasonable, rational thought if you want to find your so-called nirvana. Life, after all, does require some logic. However, those who report being happiest often attribute their overall state to something altogether different - they say they're happy because they have faith. Not in any specific spiritual tradition or religion, necessarily, but in the fact that ultimately, everything is going to be okay.

In the moment
Happy people worry less about the future and dwell less frequently in the past. As such, they live their lives in the present. An ancient goal and a difficult task - whether you're seeking money, peace, a partner to share your life with, a combination of these things, or anything else for that matter. But one common factor reported among those who say that they are in fact, happy, most of the time is the ability to stop - occasionally at least - and smell the roses.

The answer
So how then, in the hustle and bustle of modern life - where the bills are rising, wages are stagnating and people seem to be growing more and more disconnected thanks in part to technology and our misplaced emphasis on material acquisitions - can you put fear aside and settle into something divine?The answer(s) may be easier said than implored, but the following steps will definitely help put you on the path to an easier - and happier - existence. The best part is, you've already got all the tools you need at your immediate disposal.

1) Listen to your gut - not your head.

Now, granted, not all of us are psychic, but all of us do have a certain amount of intuition. And part of being happy entails learning to listen to it. Rather than getting caught up in the rat race inside our own heads (bills to pay, responsibilities to heed, rules to follow… trying to keep it all straight is enough to stress anyone out!), cultivate your gut feelings. Then abide by them. You will never steer yourself wrong, once you've mastered telling the difference between outside influences and inner-wisdom. Call it god's gift, a sixth sense, whatever you want. Animals have instincts for a reason - and we human animals do too.

2) On that note, breathe.

While it's easy to make note of our link to other living things, unlike most animals (who exist in their natural environments) society and its demands have muddied human processing powers in this department. So, if you're going to learn to interpret your instincts, you've got to start by connecting to yourself. Happy people, after all, report a strong sense of self as well as a fundamental connection to the universe.

The easiest way to cultivate both of these connections, believe it or not, is to just breathe. It may sound simplistic, but the very breath that gives us life also has the power to center us. It's at the core of yoga and meditation and has been scientifically linked to overall well-being. If you practice some form of attention to breath (through yoga, meditation, guided relaxation or simply taking a few minutes out each day to clear your mind and feel the air you breathe as it goes in and out of your nostrils), you will find yourself more grounded, which brings clarity. Things rarely seem so bad when you're operating from a place of calm.

3) Separate your negative thoughts from reality… and let them go.

Now that you're calm and connected (in your natural state - or at least what it should be!), it's time to take an inventory. You may need to do this frequently with the rapid pace of daily life. With your head clear and your breath even, zero in on the thoughts that recur for you. Make a list. What are your fears, your worries, your desires and the doubts you experience about them? From these things, what rings true and what is the result of external experience? If you grew up being told you couldn't do something - is that true, or based on someone else's fear or thought pattern?

For better or worse, we often let ourselves become the sum total of our experiences. But if we take what we can from our experiences and then let them go - choosing to live in the energy of pure possibility (what we were before external life got to us!), we open ourselves up to a different kind of existence. While it cannot, by the very nature of life, be absent from practicality, it need not be dictated by it. Which is the very place from which hope… and in hope, happiness grows.

Work With What You've Got


Sometimes it's easy to feel overwhelmed by all the things you don't like about yourself. But rather than focusing on the bad, take a look at these tips to turn your negatives into positives - and learn how to live a happier, healthier life.

Work it
When it comes to your looks, your ideas don't just come from within - they're influenced by the world around you. Comments from parents, pictures in magazines, even a partner can convince you that certain aspects of your body aren't okay. The truth is, you'll only turn these "negatives" into positives by changing your attitude about them.

Beauty at Any Age
It's not your face, it's your soul Learn to work with your body, not against it. Instead of following the latest fashion trends, stick with what makes you feel and look good. Don't dwell on what you dislike about your body - focus on its beauty and strength. Go for a walk or a swim and marvel at your body's strength. Meditate and feel the power of your breath; laugh and feel the joy of your heart. Take a shower and thank each part of your body for doing its part to keep you alive.

The more you begin to see your body as wondrous, beautiful home for your soul, the more you'll want to take care of it with kindness and love.

Focus outward
Feeling insecure, lonely or blue? Sometimes no matter how much you try to work on your problems or distract yourself from your thoughts, you just can't shake negative feelings. One of the best ways to pick yourself up is to pick someone else up. No matter how bad your problems are, there's always someone who could use your help. Have lunch with the chatty coworker who just needs someone to listen to her. Volunteer at an after-school center. Pack up your old clothes and donate them to charity. Offer to help your elderly neighbor out.

Taking time to focus your energy on another person will give you a break from your own issues, put your problems in perspective or even offer insights into how you can improve your own situation. Most of all, helping someone else will buoy your spirits and remind you of your value to the world.

Go with the flow
Just as you can work with your body, not against it, you can also flow with your personality instead of trying to invent a new one. When thinking about yourself, don't even consider your "negatives" as anything other than challenges that can be used to improve your life.

For example, if your challenge is talking too much, don't shut down and pretend to be a quiet person. When you're talking, pay attention to what you're saying and how your listener is reacting. Over time you will become more aware of when your talking is beneficial to yourself and those around you. As you hone your skills, you can also channel your gift of gab in a positive way, like becoming an advocate for a cause you feel passionate about.

If your challenge is having a terrible memory or being bad with your money, don't just view it as negative personality trait that will drag you down. You'll only overcome by seeing it as a positive opportunity for growth. Start taking notes and keeping track of your spending, and you'll probably see that organization and attention to detail spill over into the rest of your life!

It's important to know yourself well enough to recognize your strengths and weaknesses. But don't dwell too much in either area. Never make your goal to change who you are - it should be to use all your gifts and challenges to live the happiest, most fulfilling life you possibly can.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Fresh Living

11 Ways to Live Fresh
Tuesday February 24, 2009
By Holly Lebowitz Rossi, By Valerie Reiss
What better way to celebrate the official launch of Fresh Living than with a fun acrostic to guide you through our posts (so far)! Check it out, and add your own in the comments. How do you "Live Fresh?"

Find - re-discover and honor your creative spark.
Reach - expand beyond past versions of yourself.
Exhale - make room for your life force.
Share - connect with kindred others on the journey.
Hug - embrace your guides, friends, and teachers.

Laugh - open to the great giggle of life.
Invent - find beauty in everyday objects.
Vibrate - harmonize your body, brain, and spirit.
Indulge - taste something sweet every day.
Nurture - discover your life's motto.
Groove - tune in to the rhythm of love and the music of life.

Let Us Try

Essayons: Let Us Try
Tuesday February 24, 2009
By Holly Lebowitz Rossi

For 9 years, my husband was an officer in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Reserve). During his time in the service, among other things, he helped build a medical center in Guatemala, jumped out of airplanes 7 times (on purpose!) and served a 14-month tour at the beginning of the war in Iraq, after which he resigned his commission and became a civilian.

There are many wonderful things about serving in the Army, from the pride, confidence, and discipline it instills to the feeling of being part of something larger than yourself. And, as any soldier will tell you, there are also at least as many baffling, terrifying, and frustrating things about serving.

What does any of this have to do with Fresh Living? Why, everything! Because when I read Valerie's heartfelt post about her crying-on-a-pile-of-laundry moment, (been there, blog sister!), I immediately thought of my favorite thing about the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers: its motto, "Essayons," which is French for "Let us try."

"Let us try." Not "do it or else," not "be perfect the first time," just "let us try." So take a chill pill, Yoda, with your "do or do not - there is no try" guilt trip. All we are asked to do is try. And then try again, if necessary.

It works so well as the motto for Army engineers, who are tasked with building bridges and airfields in all sorts of weird, unknown conditions. In situations like that, there has to be a certain mental freedom--not to "try" carelessly, but to experiment confidently, knowing that you're faced with a problem that has a solution, you just have to figure out what that solution is.

It also works as a personal life motto. Many--many!--times, I have muttered "essayons" to myself as a way of bringing myself back to center, back to forward motion, away from the guilt of not being "there" yet and back to the solid, safe "castle" of my heart. During Rob's 14 month deployment, I said it multiple times a day. "I don't know how we'll ever get through this," I'd think, journal, write, or sob. "But essayons. Let us try."

Do you have a life motto, something that helps you crawl out of the Bad Place when you fall--or get pushed--into it?
Happiness Quiz
Take a look into your real being
by S.K. Smith

What is happiness? If you're among the millions who find the concept elusive and hard to define, you're not alone. Life has its ups and downs after all, and as such, feeling miserable is sometimes par for the course. Still, even with the mood swings and stresses that are part of every day modern existence, a general state of well-being is possible - and even definable to some extent. How, you ask? After all, being happy means different things to different people.

While that may be true, research has shown that genuine happiness is not linked to external circumstances. Rather, it is the product of a series of internal factors. Take this quiz and find out how happy you are - and what you can do to increase your overall state of well-being.

Even when I'm stressed beyond belief (about money, love, career or anything), I have a general sense that "everything will be alright."

a)   Always (9)
b)   Sometimes (6)
c)   Rarely (3)
d)   Never (0)

2. I accept responsibility for my mistakes - and take credit when I do something good/beneficial/skillfully.

a)   Yes for both (9)
b)   Mistakes yes, victories/achievements… not so much (5)
c)   I don't like being blamed, but sure I'll celebrate my successes! (5)
d)   Neither - I like to stay under the radar (0)

3. When things go wrong, I want to…

a)   Find the culprit! (0)
b)   Move on… (3)
c)   Come up with solutions to avoid it next time (9)

4. The best word to sum up my usual mental/emotional state is

a)   Dread (0)
b)   Frustration (3)
c)   Curiosity/Wonder (6)
d)   Peace (9)

5. I have too many priorities to focus on taking care of myself!

a)   Always (0)
b)   Sometimes (3)
c)   Rarely (6)
d)   Never (9)

6. I value people - and spending time with them - more than possessions.

a)  True (9)
b)   False (0)
c)   True - though I could use some more great people to spend time with (6)
d)   False - though only because my possessions out number my friends/loved ones (3)

7. It doesn't take a lot to make me smile - in fact, I take pleasure in the little things (like when my favorite song comes on in Starbucks or the first sunny day after a rainy week).

a)   Always (9)
b)   Sometimes (6)
c)   Rarely (3)
d)   Never (0)

8. I am often afraid - even if I don't know of what.

a) True (9)
b) False (0)

9. When a good thing happens, I might enjoy it for a moment, but I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop.

a)  Always (0)
b)  Sometimes (3)
c)  Rarely (6)
d)  Never (9)

10. I've grown a lot throughout my life - especially thanks to the bad times!

a) True (6)
b) False (0)

11. My life has a spiritual side - however I define that.

a)   True (6)
b)   False (0)

12. There are things in my life I will never get over.

a)   True (0)
b)   False (6)


0-33 POINTS: Caught in the wheel…
Stop a moment and take a deep breath. Whatever situation you've gotten yourself into (and that "situation" may be as simple as the daily grind!), it seems you're letting your life control you rather than you controlling your life. This is no way to live a fulfilled existence - and it's no wonder you're not feeling happy!

Whether you're stuck in the past (like on an ex-lover) or waiting for your life to start (for instance, when you get that promotion), here's the thing: life is happening NOW. And in the now, no one else is responsible for your well-being. Likewise, no situation is beyond your control. In other words, while you don't necessarily create every circumstance you wind up in, you do have ultimate say in your reactions. You can say no, you can move on, you can cultivate a sense of general well-being that includes taking time to savor the world around you as it is right this second! A happy life means caring for yourself physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, socially, financially (and, yes, even sexually). Sure, it may sound like a lot… but you can do it.  After all, if your answers are any indicator, you're already taking care of everyone and everything else! 

34-66 POINTS: Getting by just fine
You could certainly be a lot worse off. But you could also be a lot happier. It's likely, however, that you know this… you just need some work on follow through. For instance, you're aware you'd feel better if you spent more time doing that thing you love (yoga, running, painting, crossword, fill in the blank), but you have to find the time to actually do it. That's where you keep getting stuck. It's time to turn that corner. Have faith, take a leap. Let go of the urge to blame and don't feed your insecurities. You're on your way to trumping them - for the most part (remember, no one is perfect!).

In short: a list of things to do for more joy on the fridge is a really great start. Now make it a point to do them all. Even if it's one at a time.

67-99 POINTS: A Happy Place
Congratulations happy person! The good news is you're usually living in the moment… or at least working on it. The great news is that means you don't have to focus on being present. Instead, you can work on making the here and now the best it can be!

Some ways to do that:

Cultivate your strengths and work on your weaknesses. Surround yourself with people you value and be sure to treat them well. Practice gratitude and strive to learn when you do make mistakes. Meditate. Eat right. Overindulge every once in a while - and don't beat yourself up for it. Go easy on yourself - and on others.

Find your happy place. Talk to a psychic to see how. Call 1.800.573.4830 or click here now.
Close Select an RSS readerXML Add to Google My Yahoo My AOL Newsgator MyMSN What is happiness? If you're among the millions who find the concept elusive and hard to define, you're not alone. Life has its ups and downs after all, and as such, feeling miserable is sometimes par for the course. Still, even with the mood swings and stresses that are part of every day modern existence, a general state of well-being is possible - and even definable to some extent. How, you ask? After all, being happy means different things to different people.

While that may be true, research has shown that genuine happiness is not linked to external circumstances. Rather, it is the product of a series of internal factors. Take this quiz and find out how happy you are - and what you can do to increase your overall state of well-being.

1. Even when I'm stressed beyond belief (about money, love, career or anything), I have a general sense that "everything will be alright."

a) Always (9)
b) Sometimes (6)
c) Rarely (3)
d) Never (0)

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Dealing with a difficult boss 2. I accept responsibility for my mistakes - and take credit when I do something good/beneficial/skillfully.

a) Yes for both (9)
b) Mistakes yes, victories/achievements… not so much (5)
c) I don't like being blamed, but sure I'll celebrate my successes! (5)
d) Neither - I like to stay under the radar (0)

3. When things go wrong, I want to…

a) Find the culprit! (0)
b) Move on… (3)
c) Come up with solutions to avoid it next time (9)

4. The best word to sum up my usual mental/emotional state is

a) Dread (0)
b) Frustration (3)
c) Curiosity/Wonder (6)
d) Peace (9)

5. I have too many priorities to focus on taking care of myself!

a) Always (0)
b) Sometimes (3)
c) Rarely (6)
d) Never (9)

6. I value people - and spending time with them - more than possessions.

a) True (9)
b) False (0)
c) True - though I could use some more great people to spend time with (6)
d) False - though only because my possessions out number my friends/loved ones (3)

7. It doesn't take a lot to make me smile - in fact, I take pleasure in the little things (like when my favorite song comes on in Starbucks or the first sunny day after a rainy week).

a) Always (9)
b) Sometimes (6)
c) Rarely (3)
d) Never (0)

8. I am often afraid - even if I don't know of what.

a) True (9)
b) False (0)

9. When a good thing happens, I might enjoy it for a moment, but I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop.

a) Always (0)
b) Sometimes (3)
c) Rarely (6)
d) Never (9)

10. I've grown a lot throughout my life - especially thanks to the bad times!

a) True (6)
b) False (0)

11. My life has a spiritual side - however I define that.

a) True (6)
b) False (0)

12. There are things in my life I will never get over.

a) True (0)
b) False (6)

0-33 POINTS: Caught in the wheel…
Stop a moment and take a deep breath. Whatever situation you've gotten yourself into (and that "situation" may be as simple as the daily grind!), it seems you're letting your life control you rather than you controlling your life. This is no way to live a fulfilled existence - and it's no wonder you're not feeling happy!

Whether you're stuck in the past (like on an ex-lover) or waiting for your life to start (for instance, when you get that promotion), here's the thing: life is happening NOW. And in the now, no one else is responsible for your well-being. Likewise, no situation is beyond your control. In other words, while you don't necessarily create every circumstance you wind up in, you do have ultimate say in your reactions. You can say no, you can move on, you can cultivate a sense of general well-being that includes taking time to savor the world around you as it is right this second! A happy life means caring for yourself physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, socially, financially (and, yes, even sexually). Sure, it may sound like a lot… but you can do it. After all, if your answers are any indicator, you're already taking care of everyone and everything else!

34-66 POINTS: Getting by just fine
You could certainly be a lot worse off. But you could also be a lot happier. It's likely, however, that you know this… you just need some work on follow through. For instance, you're aware you'd feel better if you spent more time doing that thing you love (yoga, running, painting, crossword, fill in the blank), but you have to find the time to actually do it. That's where you keep getting stuck. It's time to turn that corner. Have faith, take a leap. Let go of the urge to blame and don't feed your insecurities. You're on your way to trumping them - for the most part (remember, no one is perfect!).

In short: a list of things to do for more joy on the fridge is a really great start. Now make it a point to do them all. Even if it's one at a time.

67-99 POINTS: A Happy Place
Congratulations happy person! The good news is you're usually living in the moment… or at least working on it. The great news is that means you don't have to focus on being present. Instead, you can work on making the here and now the best it can be!

Some ways to do that:

Cultivate your strengths and work on your weaknesses. Surround yourself with people you value and be sure to treat them well. Practice gratitude and strive to learn when you do make mistakes. Meditate. Eat right. Overindulge every once in a while - and don't beat yourself up for it. Go easy on yourself - and on others.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

How Do I Love Me?

How Do I Love Me?
The secret to finding true love begins with you.
BY: Rev. Laurie Sue Brockway

It is so important that we nourish ourselves -- body, mind and spirit -- and treat ourselves like goddesses. Being kind to oneself is a healthy habit to get into, and the best way to get into the groove is to set aside "Goddess Time" each week for you, and you alone!
We give so much to others, why be stingy with ourselves? Whether in a relationship, hoping to be, or simply enjoying single life, a date with ones self is a powerful metaphor for self-nourishment. And it is the first and most important step toward a balanced, loving relationships with others.

Where to begin? Imagine there is someone in your life you can depend on to pamper, heal and revitalize you, and treat you royally -- for at least a few undisturbed hours each week. Now, imagine that "someone" is YOU. Pick something that would bring you great pleasure -- an activity, an experience, or a material gift -- and agree to give it to yourself.

Start off with something simple. Try a "self-love bath." Crown yourself Queen for a Day or Goddess for several hours a week -- and pamper yourself. Buy beautiful candles, scented oils, flowers. Draw a bath. Play relaxing and sensual music. Slip into the warm water, daydream and allow yourself to bask in the energy of love. It truly creates an impression in your own mind and spirit that you are someone who deserves royal treatment and who is willing to receive it! I cannot tell you how much a simple act of self-love will bring you closer to receiving pampering from others. At the most basic level -- a nice warm bath with candles is very relaxing and it gives you a chance to meditate. and get a new perspective on life.

How do I love me, let me count the ways. Other simple delights include: light a candle and relax in a favorite chair for 15 minutes; take yourself to a movie, out to dinner or to a museum exhibit you've been meaning to see; buy yourself a small gift. The best way to keep your soul nourished is to create an ongoing environment for this nourishment.

Date yourself regularly: Many of us take time out for ourselves just once in awhile and neglect to create the foundation for ongoing revitalization. Why not carve out time and put things in order so that you can access these experiences of self-love and care, regularly. This may mean keeping your favorite bath oil and candles on hand at all times. or ensuring that you have several hours a week alone, to yourself. Think of it this way. if you were dating someone special, wouldn't you go out of your way to make dates and focus attention on the relationship? Do it for yourself, first. This sets the groundwork for others to treat you like the goddess you are!

Monday, February 23, 2009

A Reason, A Season or A Lifetime

Accept that everything is as it should be. However long our relationships last, it is in our highest and greatest good for it to be that way.

"People come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime. When you know which one it is, you will know what to do for that person. When someone is in your life for a REASON, it is usually to meet a need you have expressed. They have come to assist you through a difficulty, to provide you with guidance and support, to aid you physically, emotionally or spiritually. They may seem like a godsend and they are. They are there for the reason you need them to be. Then, without any wrongdoing on your part or at an inconvenient time, this person will say or do something to bring the relationship to an end. Sometimes they die. Sometimes they walk away. Sometimes they act up and force you to take a stand. What we must realize is that our need has been met, our desire fulfilled, their work is done. The prayer you sent up has been answered and now it is time to move on. Some people come into your life for a SEASON, because your turn has come to share, grow or learn. They bring you an experience of peace or make you laugh. They may teach you something you have never done. They usually give you an unbelievable amount of joy. Believe it, it is real. But only for a season. LIFETIME relationships teach you lifetime lessons, things you must build upon in order to have a solid emotional foundation. Your job is to accept the lesson, love the person and put what you have learned to use in all other relationships and areas of your life. It is said that love is blind but friendship is clairvoyant. Thank you for being a part of my life, whether you were a reason, a season or a lifetime."
Author Unknown

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Fats, Protein, Fruits & Vegies

"Beauty is how you feel inside, and it reflects in your eyes. It is not something physical."

—Sophia Loren

I was talking about the diet, but I didn't mention that Schwarzbein reccommends an equal amount of caleries coming from FAT, PROTEIN, and FRUITS and VEGETABLES. AND she wants us to have ALL 4 at every meal. I'm still getting used to having vegetables and fruit together. It's difficult to get all 4 in a mini-meal,but it can be done.
If you have a cheese/vegie fritata and fruit, you've got all three. And if you have a bowl of soup and/or a salad, you just have the fruit as a little dessert. ;-)

Meditation, Creativity & Weight Loss

"Live in each season as it passes: breathe the air, drink the drink, taste the fruit."
Henry David Thoreau

Some of you may be wondering what meditation and creativity have to do with weight loss. Well, in a word: EVERYTHING!
Jill's programs (Body Blissmas and KMCC training) both include meditation. Since I have been guided through meditations in several venues, I had no problem doing the Guided Meditations. I personally find it more difficult to meditate on my own though I do a Mind Treatment that I wrote for myself. I also do visualizations. One is an Etheric Healing fo my weight and cholesterol issues and the other is a Growth Etheric to keep me on my creative path.
Now about CREATIVITY! I personally believe we are all on this earth for a reason, that we were put here to make a difference. Now I know I make a difference as a teacher and you parents out there certainly have made a difference by bringing a child into the world, but some of us feel a higher calling. According to Jill, when we are working toward that higher calling, we are less likely to be stuffing our feelings by eating junk that harms our body and puts on the pounds.
I mentioned that I am using the "Schwarzbein Principle" as the basis for my "NEW WAY of EATING." I don't want to confuse you or give you wrong advice so I will just mention how I have changed my diet and what that has done for me. Dr. Schwarzbein believes that low-fat and no-fat foods are making us fatter. She says the food is chemically altered in order to take out fat. Now I already had been learning about the body's need for fat and have been taking Omega 3-6-9. I also was trying to get MonoUnsaterated Fatty Acids (MUFAs) into my diet. BUT Schwarxbein believes that Cow fat, milk, meat and EVEN cream are all good for you.
I have been having vegie & cheese crustless quiche or fritatas for breakfast. Eggs are part of the Schwarzbein "diet" (diet meaning "way of eating"). The great thing is that it is actually satifying to eat this way. My husband and I are both eating less at dinner because we are satisfied. AND I have more energy and am in better spirits too!
Of course, the diet has it's difficulties. We are taking sugar and flour totally OUT of our diet. This was hard at first. But a little honey or maple syrup is allowed. I also had already given up coffee and switched to tea. The difficulty for my husband is NO RICE. In his Filipino family, he grew up having rice three times a day. I had gotten used to it too.
Jill says do it 80% of the time. My doctor says one day a week, eat whatever you want. Either way, don't beat yourself up if you don't do it perfectly. THERE'S ALWAYS TOMORROW TO DO BETTER!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Don't Let Your Past Haunt You!

There are many who believe we overeat because we are stuffing our emotions. Even if you do not subscribe to that school of thought (which I do), there is no healthy reason to carry around anger, resentment and pain. Maybe this article will help some of us let it go.

Move Past The Past
Does yours haunt you?
by Maryam Henein
The present is where we are. But many of us don't live here - we're either fixated on the future or stuck in the past. And sure, we have a slew of reasons-slash-excuses as to why we cannot live in the moment. Some of us use the past to escape our reality or because it serves as a way for us to dwell in our misery. Some of us truly have no conscious idea that the past is menacing us. Whatever the cause, you're wasting your life and only damaging yourself unless you choose to move on!

Here are a few ways to find yourself in the Now:
Go back to go forward
According to licensed psychiatrist Beatty Cohan, we cannot unconsciously forget the skeletons lurking in our closet. "Even though it's not fun, a person must go back in order to move forward. While you don't need to forgive someone in order to live in the present (for instance if you have been sexually abused) you do need to revisit what happened and talk about it. This allows for people to clear all the confusion surrounding the past and understand the reality of the role they've played or didn't play," adds Cohan, who is the author of "For Better, For Worse, Forever: Discover the Path to Lasting Love."
Cohan strongly suggests seeking the help of a competent professional to take you through this process. And if you don't want to go back (even though you're unconsciously still living there) she reminds us that the past will never be as horrible the second time around. "Understanding is the key to healing and living in the moment."
End self-judgment
Let's say you're in love with someone who ends up dumping you. A friend informs you that the relationship was so-so and that you're really better off. Yet you find yourself obsessing about this person in terms of the past. Perhaps this is because you didn't grow up with a model of what a healthy relationship actually is. Or, more likely, you are blaming yourself.
"People become stuck in the past because the energy of their emotions becomes stuck via self-judgment. This is a process that is not conscious, so very often we are not consciously aware of why we can't just move on or get over it," says C.L. Talmadge, author of "Green Stone of Healing."
Yet the more self-judgment we release, the freer we are to live in the present and literally go with the flow. So don't beat yourself up. Learn from the past and then let it go. If you ask most people who are successful, happy and fulfilled in their lives they would probably tell you that they wouldn't change a thing about their past. The fact is that you are the person today because of the choices and experiences of your past.
In the meantime, here is also a place where you need to examine your past in order to figure out why you want what you want, and why you're getting, or not getting it, be it in a partner or in life.
Don't be a victim
Victim mentality goes something like this: When things go wrong (and they do), or when things are not to your liking, you look for someone or something to blame. In fact, you are hell-bent on identifying the source of why things are not as you think they should be. The wrongdoer must be identified so that things can be made right. Subsequently you easily justify being emotionally upset.
But how about trying to look at it a different way? If you agree to take responsibility for what has happened to you and accept your role in it (no matter what it was), then you can simply accept everything that has happened to you, yesterday, today and for the rest of your life.
We might not always be able to control what happens to us, but we can always choose our response. By choosing not to react emotionally to petty things, we end our suffering and discover the freedom and empowerment that comes from being in charge of our emotions instead of allowing them to be in charge of us.
Each trauma and tragedy can be seen as an opportunity for learning and growth. No one is to blame even when the apparent cause is not of your own making.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Law of Attraction

This was sent to one of the Blissmas Babes from Orange Vision.

Dear Liz,
I hope you had a great weekend and are ready to create yet another
extra ordinary week.....

This week's Splash is about how your vibrational level dictates what
you attract in life. You probably know about this, but I feel that
sometimes it is good to just get back to basics again about this topic
as it is so important.

If you have learned about The Law of Attraction, you know that in
every moment you are sending out vibrations. Like now, and now.... and
now! (as per Michael Oliver, author of "Law of Attraction" and an
excellent speaker on this topic) And these vibrations basically
attract more of the same to your life. So simply said: if you vibrate
in a positive way, you will attract more positive things to your life.

So how do you know which vibrations you are sending out? If you have
seen or read "The Secret" you will recognize the term "emotional
guidance system". When I saw this explained for the very first time,
it was such an "a-ha" for me, and it still is. Basically, your
emotions tell you what you vibrate! If you feel jealous, angry,
frustrated, resentful or any other negative emotion, you are sending
out negative vibrations and therefore attracting more of that. If you
feel happy, grateful, excited, loving or any other positive emotion,
you attract more positive things into your life. Pretty easy really,

So my suggestion for this week is to really become aware of your
emotions and make a conscious effort to adjust them where necessary.

"At any point in time, YOU get to choose how you feel
and therefore what you attract"

Everything you do is your choice, so it is also your choice what you
will attract! So if you feel angry, take a deep breath and try to
redirect your emotions into more positive ones. Listen to some
wonderful music, or think about what you are grateful for in your
life. If you get really frustrated for whatever reason, stop for a
moment and think "is this really worth getting so frustrated about and
is it worth staying frustrated even if I know it is holding me back
from attracting my goals"? At that moment, see if you can fleely
choose to let go of that negative emotion. I know this can be
challenging, and may even sound too simple to work.... an yet it does

And on the other hand if you feel excited, grateful, inspired or
experience any other positive emotion, acknowledge it too and be happy
and grateful knowing that right at that moment, you are supporting the
process of attracting the future you intent. This will make you feel
even better; how exciting!

Bottom line is: the more positive you are in every day life in your
being and in your actions, the faster you will manifest your goals and
dreams. The choice is all yours!

Have a fantastic week!
Linda Boertjens

Welcome to Weight Loss Coach Sherrie's Blog!

I am currently trying a new way of eating (forget about that nasty "D" word!). I am following the "Schwarzbein Principle" and learning ways to focus on creativity and taking care of ME. I am currently in Body Blissmas, a program started by Jill Badonsky. As I learn to focus on healthy eating and being happy and creative, I would like to help you do the same.

Are you currently trying to lose weight?
