Saturday, March 7, 2009

Love Is All We Need

Love Notes
Become a master at love
by Ramona Ticoo

Love has generated more poems, more books, more music, more joy and pain than anything on earth. And yet despite its eternal existence and prevalence in our lives, it remains elusive and a mystery to us all sometimes. In our western culture, we believe that everyone is entitled to love and the pursuit of happiness. So here is a list of books to inspire and aid in your quest whether you are single, looking for love or involved and trying to maintain a healthy relationship.

Spiritual love
If The Buddha Dated by Charlotte Kasl, Ph.D. is a spiritual guide to finding deeper love. It deals with your fears, following your spirit (rather than your ego) and not losing yourself as you find love. Buddhism is in part about one's constant evolution as a person and this book provides many lessons for life and love wherein the growth of your relationships is a reflection of your own development. Breathe deep and enjoy the journey!

The Mastery of Love by Don Miguel Ruiz is based on Toltec wisdom. The Toltec of Southern Mexico were known as women and men of knowledge. They taught that mastery of love only comes after mastery of awareness and transformation. Mastery of awareness is finding what we are and mastery of transformation is changing our lives based on that awareness. Ruiz addresses issues such as dealing with fear and drama in relationships, healing old wounds and forgiving ourselves and others. Only in truly learning to love ourselves, can we fully love one another. Though this may not sound simple, this book will help you in this journey.

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